vrijdag 3 juni 2011

Dr Fatima

When I was here last year, I played some golf with the buddies, and hurt my lower-back, due to a bed , which was to hard to sleep on. It didn't get better at the time, so I went home with that terrible back-pain.
A friend of mine, Patrick , a Belgian guy, who lives here for more than 5 years, told me about Dr. Fatima. She has a health-clinic near to Bath Batheni in Ganeshwar. But I couldn't make an appointment, due to short of money and time on that moment.

So now I'm back here and made an appointment. She is a rare combination, she is a Tibetan Moslima doctor.
So the first week, I went over there, and she does acupuncture. That I knew. At the consultation, I explained my aches, and she took my right-wrist, and felt. Doing this, she put a small cushion under it. Than she took my left wrist and did the same. So the diagnose was accomplished. I went upstairs, where all the men are, and had to lay down on a massage-bed. She put needles in my body, and assistants put an electric rubber mat on my back, charged with electric impulses.
After a while, she came, when the impulses were done, and I had to do some bending on the table, while she was holding the needles on my hands. No pain anymore, just like that.

So I did some after treatments, and my back is still holding. Just for one time, I played golf again with Damien, my Aussie-friend of the Embassy, and after nine holes the pain came back. So I told the doctor, and she treated me again, it would take some months to clear all pains. I had to take about 44 homeopathic pills a day.And some oil for my back.

So last time , I was there, I asked if it was possible to stop smoking. she smiled and said yes.
The prices I pay for this treatment are 3 euros a consult. compared to Belgium, well, it's twenty times more.
So I get my body in shape before I go home, that's a fact.

I also went for cleaning my teeth, I had to pay nothing...well done

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